Posted: Monday, September 27, 2010 11:00 pm | Updated: 1:35 am, Thu Oct 28, 2010.
Welcome to Ask Doc Dossman, a weekly column where you can ask Long Beach’s pre-eminent sports therapist…whatever you want! If you already forgot who Doc is, click here to read our introduction. To visit Doc’s website, click here, and buy his book, What I’ve Learned From Your Kids by clicking here. Email questions to Doc at
For my first installment of “Ask Doc Dossman”, I will discuss what this column is about (as well as what it is NOT). It’s funny, I have written a 250-page book, but now I feel like a real writer with this assignment. I’m excited! I’m a writer! This should be pretty easy if I stick with what I know. I know sports injury, no doubt. There is not much that I haven’t seen in the office, on the field, court, track, etc. I will use this medium to answer questions about this topic.
I get the same questions from coaches, parents, and athletes every single day. We all have the same body parts and play the same sports, so it just makes sense! If I can answer someone’s question publicly, maybe it will help another person who has the same question. Remember the kid in class who asked the same question you had in mind? You were too afraid to raise your hand because maybe you were too shy or thought your query was ridiculous. You were relieved when someone else had that very same question answered. Were you not? Now there is such a thing as a ridiculous question, indeed—but the cool thing is, you can send your question in anonymously if you’d like!
So, what about this sports injury stuff? What is it? I am so glad you asked. Sports injury is just a name we give a condition that was acquired during or because of any form of athletic activity. There is nothing magical or special about sports injury. An ankle sprain is an ankle sprain. If you are walking down the street and roll your ankle because you are clumsy, well that’s just an ankle sprain. If you are playing soccer and you roll your ankle, that’s a sports injury! Got it? Good. That’s it! I don’t treat either patient differently. Well… I might tease the clumsy one just a little, but I don’t give either of them “special instructions”. The advice is all the same.
I like sports injury. Wait…I absolutely LOVE sports injury (let’s be clear). I love sports injury because there is a bit more pressure to get that patient back in the saddle in a timely manner. I love the challenge. When I fix the schoolteacher’s ankle, he/she is happy to be able to walk to and from their classroom. That’s easy stuff to me. I might not find the same fulfillment as I would in treating the ankle of a high school junior that has a big game this weekend. Especially since the college scouts will be there and the entire city is watching. Or maybe his ankle needs to be fixed before his Monday Night Football game, which will be broadcast for the entire nation! Talk about pressure—an athlete demands much more of his/her body when they leave my office. Walking to and from class isn’t enough. They need to be able to sprint at full speed, stop on a dime and change direction, jump, and move from side to side without effort.
Again, because I take pride in my work, I treat the teacher just as I would the athlete. I just find fulfillment in being able to test my work. Watching the athlete perform after treatment is both nerve wracking and exhilarating!
Okay—so what’s my point? The point I’m making is simple: this column is for YOU. It’s a place where you can ask about an injury on behalf of an athlete you might coach; your own child, or maybe you are an athlete (weekend warrior, high school, college, pro sports). This column is your opportunity to get answers about anything sports injury related. I will do my best to give you an answer. If I find your question to be out of my sphere of influence, I will either tell you just that or ignore your question altogether.
I have absolutely no problem saying, “I don’t know”. My patients seem to think it’s hilarious when they hear me say that. I don’t know everything, but I am very confident in what I do know. If I feature your question, I’m very confident in my answer and you can just stop surfing the Internet for the answer. Sometimes I may advise you to go see your own general physician, athletic trainer, physical therapist, massage therapist, or chiropractor. When I say this, take heed. If you don’t have your own sports professional, you are more than welcome to visit my office. I will be your “Go-to-Guy,” but referring you to your doctor also clears me of any liability when I feel you have a condition that might be serious! Speaking of liability, I think its best to get this part out of the way:
With that said, send me some questions! We can’t have an “Ask Doc Dossman” column without your questions!!! Email them to and I will answer you in the following week’s column. Remember, this column is weekly—if you have a pressing question on Tuesday, you won’t get a response until the next week. If you need an immediate answer, call your “guy” (or call me). This column is best for questions you are curious about, chronic injuries, clearing up “myths” and “old wives’ tales”, performance enhancement queries, questions about various techniques/methods, and other stuff like that. I’m hoping to get some questions in my box tonight. Send as many as you like. I am sure many of you have the same questions so you may not see your name or exact question featured but know that your question will be addressed.
Let’s get started Strong Beach! See you tomorrow for my video blog, which will feature a special Long Beach athlete currently starring on the big stage. The video blogs will highlight performance enhancement tips, take you “on the road” with the Doc, cover various athletic events around Long Beach, and also answer your questions. If I get a good one that many people have in common, it will be one that I will address on the video blog. Who knows, I could even contact you to answer your question in person for the video! You never know, I’m crazy like that!
Your New Friend,
Doc Dossman
Thanks so much for the positive energy, love, and comments. I really appreciate it. I more than appreciate this opportunity and hope to be helpful and a positive addition to the Gazettes!
To visit Doc’s website, click here, and buy his book, What I’ve Learned From Your Kids by clicking here. Email questions to Doc at
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