Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Posted: Monday, September 20, 2010 11:05 pm | Updated: 1:35 am, Thu Oct 28, 2010.
I’m very proud and excited to introduce Doc Dossman, a new regular columnist here at GazettesSports.com.  If you’re an athlete who’s been injured in Long Beach in the last decade, there’s a chance you already know who he is, but before we start posting content from Doc we wanted to take a second to let you know who he is.
A sports therapist based in Long Beach, he’s been treating people with injuries for years, in addition to longshoremen and other blue collar workers.  I’ll let you look at the video below (an abbreviated version of his visual resume) to see the pedigree of athlete that Dossman treats, but rest assured it’s nearly every Long Beach athlete you would have heard about over the last decade.
He holds a doctorate in chiropractic medicine, a degree in biological sciences, and certifications in massage therapy, full body Active Release Techniques, and orthotics casting.  He’s been trained in physiotherapy and post-surgical rehab as well as other tools collected during the past decade of traveling the world with his clientele.
Needless to say, he’s a guy we’re very excited to have aboard—the bulk of what you see from him will be his Ask Doc column, in which he’ll answer questions about injuries (sports and otherwise), and anything else you’re curious about. 
We’re hoping for some submissions, so if you’d like advice, please email Doc at askdoc@docdossman.com.
In the meantime, check out his intro video below, or visit http://docdossman.com to learn more about Doc.  You can buy his book, What I’ve Learned From Your Kids by clicking here.
Be sure to come back next week for Doc’s first column, as well as a video feature with former Poly Jackrabbit and current Jacksonville Jaguar Marcedes Lewis.

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