Friday, December 10, 2010

Posted: Monday, December 6, 2010 7:15 pm
Welcome to Ask Doc Dossman, a weekly column where you can ask Long Beach’s pre-eminent sports therapist…whatever you want!  If you already forgot who Doc is, click here to read our introduction.  To visit Doc’s website, click here, and buy his book, What I’ve Learned From Your Kids.  Email questions to Doc
Editor’s Note: Doc is doing a book signing at the Borders at the Pike on Saturday December 18th at 5:30pm!
Hello Strong Beach! I hope your week has gotten off to a great start! I had a great time with family at the Belmont Shore Christmas parade this weekend.  This year has gone by so fast! Let’s get started on a few questions before it’s 2011…
The second part of the “Pre Game Meal” nutrition video blog will be available on Thursday. This one will focus the cultural phenomenon, “Carb Loading!!!” Stay tuned.  On with the business…
Hello Doc Dossman,
I was wondering if you had any suggestions for an herbal remedy that I could take in place of muscle relaxants? I hate the way they make me feel. This can’t be good. It’s effective in numbing the pain but I don’t like the feeling I get.  Thanks in advance!
- Kathryn T.
Hi Kathryn!
I think you should alert your physician about your concerns before making any changes. As a natural supplement, I recommend a potato root extract called Valerian Root Extract. It works great! If you get a high quality product, you might find that it is just as strong and effective as prescription medication! It has an unpleasant odor but that is just about the only side effect you will find.  It is pretty strong, so like your other medications, it is best that you don’t operate heavy machinery after taking it. Good luck!
Hi Doc!
I was hoping you could give me a few suggestions on how to get my son to drink the Gatorade that I bring home. He is always complaining about muscle cramps, yet he hates drinking it. He drinks plenty of water. I think he even tries to compensate by drinking even more water to replace the Gatorade. I don’t think it is working. Please help!
- Danica G.
Hello Danica,
I get this question quite a bit. I hear it at the office every day as well. I addressed an almost identical query in last week’s column.  Rather than ignoring this very important question, I will instead refer you and all other interested readers to the WEEK NINE column.  You will find your answer here.  In addition, stay tuned for the upcoming video blog based on this very common question! It will be released in two weeks—hope this helps!
What’s Up Doc?
I wanted to congratulate you on the work you have been doing here! You have accomplished quite a bit in just a small time frame.  Keep up the good work! I have a quick question.  I read your piece on your trip to Philadelphia when you took care of Desean  Jackson after the concussion.  Good work, by the way!  I just wonder how you are qualified as a sports therapist to help Mr. Jackson with a concussion?
- Jon K.
Good question Jon!
I am in no way qualified to treat a concussion. I was flown out to treat Mr. Jackson for the collateral and concurrent bodily effects of that big hit! You see, I also have a doctorate in Chiropractic.  As a sports therapist I am qualified to employ my degrees and skill like tools in a tool belt which I use on an “as needed” basis.  The hit Desean took was comparable to a car accident.  As a Doctor of Chiropractic, I am best qualified to handle a case of whiplash.  To answer your question: I wore my Chiropractor hat to Philly, so he was most definitely in well-qualified hands! Thanks for your question!
Well that was pretty fun! I love this stuff! Of course I always wish I had more information. My perception of things is limited to the information you give me, so be careful when taking my recommendations over your own physician who actually examines you regularly. The more information you give me, the more I can help.   It helps me to give you the best recommendations when you provide information like age, sex, date of injury, past injuries, and things of that nature. Well that is all we have time for today folks! Until next week, stay STRONG BEACH!!!
To visit Doc’s website, click here, and buy his book, What I’ve Learned From Your Kids.  Email questions to Doc

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