Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Posted: Tuesday, February 15, 2011 12:15 am
Welcome to Ask Doc Dossman, a weekly column where you can ask Long Beach’s pre-eminent sports therapist…whatever you want! To visit Doc’s website,click here, and buy his book, What I’ve Learned From Your Kids.  Email questions to Doc ataskdoc@docdossman.com.
Hey Strong Beach! Here we are, another week! I had an idea the other day. My wife is reading a book called “The Complete Tightwad Gazette.” It is simply a compilation of columns written by a woman about how to be frugal and save money. After about 6 years, she compiled all of her columns and made a book! I love this idea! I have a mind to do the exact same thing with “AskDoc” some day . . . I just wanted share that! We have fallen behind with the video blog due to a few technical difficulties with editing. Thanks for your patience.  It is my intent to release a new video every second and fourth Friday of each month.  Let’s answer a few questions!
Hey Dr. D
I really wish I could come see you. My hamstring still bothers me from time to time. The trainers here keep doing the same things: I get on the bike, I get ice and electrical stimulation wherever I say it hurts, and if I’m lucky, someone will rub it for me. I remember when you would treat us back in high school we would get upset when you didn’t even touch our hamstring. The funny thing is that we would walk out of the office feeling ready to get it in! Sometimes it was a muscle in my butt area and sometimes you would do something to my calf. Can you tell me what you did so I can tell the trainers here to help me out? Much appreciated Doc. I miss you man.
Homesick Andre
Wassup Dre?
How’s it going out there in Texas? I hope you are happy with the decision to go away for school. I miss you around the office too. I will tell everyone hello for you. I think I’ve answered this question twice. Since you are all the way in Texas, I won’t assume that you read my column every week so it’s just easier for me to answer the question again. Besides, it’ll be too painful for me to sift through 17 weeks of columns to find the right link! ;)
Typically if the problem is recurring, it is probably not a hamstring tear. My rule of thumb is to always look above and below the area of complaint. When dealing with the hamstring, your gluteal and calf muscles are the available options. I don’t think ice is necessary here, but if your practitioners want to do muscle work or electrical stimulation, they might have more success applying it to those muscles instead.
The glutes actually overlap the hamstring attachment. If they lock up, your hamstrings might be affected directly. The gastrocnemius (calf) muscles cross the knee joint and literally overlap the lower portion of the hamstrings. Dysfunction here will also directly affect the hamstrings. Give it a shot and let me know how it goes! Good luck with your season!
Dear Doc,
I have started using Antioxidant/Alkaline Water made from my tap water and have noticed a significant difference in my skin texture, bowel movements, and energy level and my back and shoulder pain is nearly gone. I am a 51 years young.  I understand that more than half of all adults are dehydrated and do not know it. Doc what’s your take on Alkaline Water?
P.S. I like the results. In the first week I became a distributor.
Hello Eugene,
Congrats on your newly found fountain of youth! 51 years young! Keep on doing what you do man. You must be doing something right!
I am not sure about your 50% statistic on adults but I’d agree that more than 50% of all Americans are dehydrated. I wonder if you were dehydrated before purchasing your water filter? I try not to take a stance or endorse any particular products here. An endorsement by me might be mistaken as an endorsement by the Gazettes. However, I believe that if it works for you, then you should go with it!
I will tell you this: The scientific theory behind Alkaline Water has always made sense to me and seems pretty sound. It just seems hard to really put the theory to the test when so many are already dehydrated. If you were drinking ample amount of water prior to Alkaline Water, you might find that water is known as well to have a positive effect on all of the things you mentioned (skin, bowel movements, energy, muscle aches, etc.) Am I making sense?
If you were already drinking the recommended amount of water on a regular basis, you would probably already have noticeably nice skin, regular bowel movements, energy, and a general sense of well being. If you were only drinking a glass of water each day, (i.e., you were dehydrated) your body would sincerely appreciate your new found love for water of any kind or type of molecular orientation. I say congrats and drink on! J
SPOILER ALERT!!!! (If you have not seen Black Swan, you might not want to read this. It will spoil the end of the movie for you.)
Hello Doc Dossman!
You seem like a bright guy in general and the column says that I can ask you anything. I have a movie question. If you cannot answer, I guess we won’t see a response in your column. Have you seen the movie Black Swan? If so, can you help me with something? I’m confused. That chica was muy loco!  I don’t know what was reality and what was not. The main part I wonder about is the end. Did she really die? Was that just part of the play? Did she really kill herself as an over-commitment to the role?
Confused Natalie
Hey Natalie,
Yes, I saw Black Swan and LOVED IT! I like psychological thrillers, so this was definitely one of my favorites in the past year. Yes, that chica was indeed loco. A doctor friend of mine diagnosed her with Paranoid Schizophrenia with persecutory delusions.  To answer your question, in my opinion, yes, she really killed herself.  She believed she was really fighting with another girl.  Once she realized she was delusional (i.e., crazy) it was too late. She had already stabbed herself and was dying.
I have to admit, I also thought that she was over- committed to her role and wanted to kill herself. I’ve had many conversations (and debates) and the general consensus is that her schizophrenia truly led her to believe that the other girl was out to get her part. In reality, her own paranoia and insecurity was sabotaging her success. She turned into the black swan. Like I said before, once she realized her paranoid delusion, it was too late. She had already stabbed herself and then died. THE END.
That was fun! I like to mix it up and answer different types of questions. Feel free to ask anything you like. If the question is out of bounds, I simply will not answer it. I might just email you my answer but not print it. Just keep sending in your questions! Remember, there is no column without you! Until next week, stay Strong Beach!
To visit Doc’s website, click here, and buy his book, What I’ve Learned From Your Kids.  Email questions to Doc ataskdoc@docdossman.com.

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