Posted: Tuesday, November 16, 2010 1:30 am | Updated: 3:12 am, Tue Nov 16, 2010.
Welcome to Ask Doc Dossman, a weekly column where you can ask Long Beach’s pre-eminent sports therapist…whatever you want! If you already forgot who Doc is, click here to read our introduction. To visit Doc’s website, click here, and buy his book, What I’ve Learned From Your Kids. Email questions to Doc
What’s up Strong Beach? I just got back from Fresno State University! Stay tuned for another installment of “On the Road with Doc Dossman.” We followed two ex-teammates Isaiah Green and Travionte Sessions, who went up against one another as Fresno State Bulldogs hosted the Nevada Wolfpack. Much love and respect to Ms. Alice Anderson-Green for showing my crew such excellent hospitality! We had a great time!
Today we have some great questions to address so let’s go!
Hello Doc Dossman!
I have been enjoying your column and I think your video blogs are totally awesome! I have a strange question. Do you only work with Long Beach Poly athletes? Are you exclusive to them? What should the rest of us do . . . in case we need sports injury care from . . . Long Beach’s pre-eminent Sports Therapist? Please don’t take this personal. Part of me is only teasing. The other half has noticed you on Poly football sidelines and in their tents at track meets. I have seen you on the scene for quite a few years but never in association with any of our other worthy Long Beach athletic programs. You might not even address my question but I just thought I’d throw it out there and see what happens. Nonetheless, keep up the great work!
- Mrs. Mill I. Kan
Hello Millikan!
I welcome your question! I get this one ALL OF THE TIME! I am used to it. I am actually happy that you asked, because now I get a chance to make a public statement about this. It is getting old and I’d like to put the “Doc works for Poly” MYTH to BEE-e-Dee!
I DO NOT WORK FOR LONG BEACH POLY. I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO CONTRACTUAL ARRANGEMENT WITH LONG BEACH POLY. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY ZERO FAVORITISM IN MY OFFICE. I did not attend Poly. I moved to New York after attending Middle School at Bancroft Middle School. I would have attended Millikan if I had lived in Long Beach during high school.
With that said, I do, in fact, work very closely with a few teams at Long Beach Poly. When I first started out in solo practice, I was asked by one of the coaches at Poly to help with his main running back. I worked my customary magic which led to more opportunities to work with other members of the same team. On the high school level, coaches work in multiple sports, so I ended up working with other teams at Poly through the relationships I had formed with the coaches. Currently, I pretty much work extensively with three different programs at Poly. These programs happen to be the higher profile programs due to their success: girls’ soccer, girls’ basketball, boys’ and girls’ track & field.
Three teams hardly generate enough work to keep a sports medicine practice in business. I have a growing man-child of my own to feed. He may only be 3 years old, but he looks 6! Please, send me your Millikan, Wilson, Jordan, Cabrillo, Compton, Lakewood, and any other athlete. I love taking care of all competitors and I love to make a living! It all works out!
I love what I do. I have no preference for the educational institution from which a sports injury comes. I love helping people. I love supporting my family. I need to support my family. I love Long Beach! I love young people. I guarantee that you will find no discrimination here in my office; I work with kids from all over the state. I work with Paramount Track & Field, La Mirada High School Cross-Country, Eleanor Roosevelt Track (Corona), Serra Track & Field (Gardena), and the list goes on. Any one of the coaches of these teams will certainly vouch for the fact that Doc is passionate about helping their athletes. They will tell you that I love all people. Thanks for letting me air that out!
Hi Doc!
I can’t believe you wouldn’t just answer my question when I asked you at the football game!! “Email me!” he says. Okay, so here it is: You know that I am no athlete, but sometimes I get these cramps in my shins and feet that are the worst! My son gets them sometimes too. (He is the healthy athlete in the family.) Is cramping something that I may have passed down to him genetically? What should I do? Is there anything that will help him?
- Concerned Mom
Hi Concerned Mom!
Do you know how many people approach me with the attitude that I am simply a walking “Ask Doc Dossman”column? You know, sometimes a guy just wants to enjoy the game! :) Besides, it just sounded like a cool question to address in the column. So thanks for cooperating!
Okay, first off, you don’t need to be an athlete to get muscle cramps. You just need to be dehydrated or have an electrolyte imbalance. It is highly likely that you are not drinking enough water. I don’t have much health history background to go off of, but I can give you some generic advice that anyone can apply. Try to drink about 1 liter of water for every 50 pounds of your body weight. Remember that diuretic medications, caffeinated drinks (including teas) and nicotine actually dehydrate your body and pull water out of you. You might think that you are drinking enough water but if you drink soda or smoke, your efforts might not be effective.
Secondly, muscle cramps are not typically genetic. The most likely way that you are responsible is through observational patterns. Our kids watch us. They pattern their habits after our habits. Parents with poor dietary habits have kids with poor dietary habits. Show me a parent that only drinks soda and coffee, and I will show you a kid that isn’t drinking 1 liter/50lbs of his/her bodyweight. This is an exceptional topic for my video blog! Stay tuned for that one: “The HYDRATION Video Blog.” Yeah, yeah, I know you’re thinking, “He’s so creative!”
Here is another piece of advice for either you or your son. Most people, especially athletes, tend to sweat during exercise.
Rule of thumb: if you are sweating, you are losing electrolytes. Replace them. This means that water might not be the answer at this time. Grab a sports drink of your liking. I like coconut water myself. Save water ingestion for the rest of the day. If you don’t replace electrolytes, you WILL have CRAMPS. Thanks for your question. You have even inspired another blog topic!
What’s Up Doc?
I have been following your column and video blogs. Good stuff! I notice you have thrown in a hint on several occasions about your love of the Los Angeles Lakers. You seem to be shamelessly attempting to score some free tickets! I’m not mad at that! I just wanted to know if you ever employ a bartering system with your services? Let’s say that, hypothetically, I had access to season tickets and an injury prone son playing football, would you [consider an exchange of services or] would you find this proposition insulting?
- Laker Fan Too
Well, Hello, Laker Fan Too!
Insulted? Me? There isn’t much I won’t do for Laker seats . . . hypothetically! The bartering system is awesome!
In the colonial era, during the 17th and 18th centuries, money was scarce, so the colonists relied primarily on bartering, with commodities such as beaver pelts, corn, musket balls, nails, tobacco, and deer skins – from which, incidentally, we got the modern slang, “buck” meaning “dollar”.
In other words: CALL ME!!! (562) 951-0741
Please help! I’m confused. I run cross-country and middle-distance track. I am not sure what I should be eating on race day! Should I eat the same way on practice days? What do you think about team “carb load” dinners the night before a race? Cross-country season is over for me but I am now training for the upcoming track season. Any advice would be appreciated.
- Jaime L.
Your timing is impeccable! Stay tuned for next week’s video blog. It is on this very topic: “The “Pre-Game Meal”. For now, I will give you a little insight on your team’s carb load dinner. Unless you are following a specific nutritional program for your sport, what you do the night before your event is not as important as what you do 3 hours prior to your race.
Most “carb load” dinners are really about encouraging team unity and keeping you out of trouble the night before a race. The high glucose content of the foods consumed at a carb load will put you to bed early for the night. This is a win-win for a coach who needs his/her athletes well rested for the next day! Trickery? I wouldn’t say that. Sounds like good game plan for victory to me! Keep your eyes open for that video next week! I break down the principles and make it very easy to understand! Thanks for your question!
Remember to send me your questions. Ask me anything! Once again, that was pretty fun, I love this stuff! Of course, I always request more information. Remember, my perspective on your problem is limited by the information you provide, so please don’t take my recommendations over your own physician who examines you regularly. The more information you give me, the more I can help. I need to know things like age, sex, date of injury, past injuries, and things of that nature.
Well, that is all we have time for today folks! Until next week, stay STRONG BEACH!!
- Doc Dossman
To visit Doc’s website, click here, and buy his book, What I’ve Learned From Your Kids. Email questions to Doc