Taxi Cab Confessions: Things I've Observed
Most of the drivers smoke in their car and put out their cigarette just before they pick you up....sooo most of the taxis reek of smoke.
Though they drive wild, none of these guys ever wear a seatbelt! What I find to be interesting is that whenever we drive by a patrolman/cop, they all grab their seat belts and pull them across their chest just to create the apprearance of wearing it. They still won't connect it (or put it on)!
I have never seen a stop sign or even a yield sign since I have been here! This is why the intersections are sooo crazy out here!
All of the taxis are either Hyundai Elantras and Volkswagon Jettas (and are stick shifts).
All of the drivers pull up their emergency brake whenever we stop the car. It seems like they pull it up a little pre maturely so that it jerks us to a stop.
Drivers like to spit out the window. I'm going to hurt someone if the wind blows anything back at me. I'm so serious. That's really gross.
I like to listen to my music on my iPhone while in the taxi. I feel like I'm riding with a soundtrack to my life. Good music makes me feel at home even way out here in Beijing. It feels like I'm in a movie or a music video.
I can tell my last driver was suffering from indigestion. He kept having those nasty bad breath burps and would not cover up his mouth!!
Honk! It's nothin'! Drivers out here use their horn as simply a way to communicate,"Hey buddy, be careful I'm right here next to you, nothing personal though!" LOL. I am sure I'm not right on the money but it's definitely nothing personal or anything done out of frustration (like many of us are so guilty of).
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