Friday, August 22, 2008

Dr. You Know Who You Are! (sizing me up?) Its funny how these doctors out here like to try to size me up. They probably wonder why I work with all the people that I work with. They rarely say anything too me until I self introduce. Then the questions come. How do you practice? (They wanna know what techniques I use or how I could potentially be better than them) Where do you practice? (Is he close to me? Should I be concerned? Do I have competition?) Who are you here with? (Let's name drop shall we?) I try to keep it short and refuse to name drop. I'd rather them see me working on that person. But do you know what really kicks em in the pants? When I tell them that I don't really do track. Football is my specialty (college and pro). I am just here because "so and so" is one of my actual patients at my office (most of them don't see the athletes regularly). These guys typically finance their own trips and set up their table at the event and invoice the athlete's agent after the meet (hoping to break even if they work on twenty five people about three times, but at least be cool enough to work the pro track circuit...whatever man). I know who the good guys are. I know who is paid and who is volunteer. I know who you are man. I know your athlete. He actually likes working with me but when my athletes tried to get him to join in their group to bring me to China, his agent said that he hates spending money. So I have no doubt that you paid for your own trip, BUDDY (I won't say your name). I also know that you live in a different state than he does. Anyways, I'm not intimidated by you, Mr. Elderly Gentleman with the Eye Spectacles and Uniform. I'd just prefer to talk about the Lakers acquisition of that 6'9" point guard from China! Do you know how huge that line up will be next season with Bynum in the mix!!! Crazy! Why do we have to have the spitting contest everytime I meet one of you guys? I had another one size me up as well, but I plan on turning him into a solid network contact (so I will spare him on this one).

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